Customer story: Shell invests in safety with Azure

With branded retail locations all over the world, it can be tough and expensive to monitor the safety of every Shell location. But with the help of Azure deep learning, the Shell team can monitor thousands of hours of video footage and filter the data to find potential safety concerns in real time. At RMS Tech, we know you want to provide your workers the tools to drive transformation with data just like Shell, and we can help. With years of industry experience, we're here to help your business get the most from your data. Contact us today to learn more.

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Customer story: Xiaoyi Technology

Managing the day-to-day operations of a big tech company can be tough. At Xiaoyi Technology, they needed a better way to manage their asset management, vacation applications, and project management. Using @Microsoft365, they automated processes, which saved a ton of management costs. But they didn't do it alone, nor should you. To get the most from your transition to the cloud, leverage the team of experts at RMS Tech. With our dedicated staff of experienced professionals, we can help you increase your productivity.

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How IoT Can Help Your Organization Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Not sure how to connect your IoT? Azure IoT Central is a fully managed IoT software-as-a-service solution that simplifies how you connect, monitor, and manage your IoT assets. This end-to-end solution enables you to create connected products that bridge the digital-physical gap. It's a great platform, but if you're unsure on how to adopt it, you need RMS Tech. We're industry experts, and have helped dozens of business just like yours to find the solutions they need to succeed. Contact us today to find out how we can help you stay in control of your connected products.

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Why your business should shift to a modern desktop with Microsoft 365 on a new device

Integrating new devices might seem difficult, but not having them might be costing your business money. New devices allow your employees to multi-task like pros, at roughly 2.1 x faster than if they use a 4-year-old PC. It can be a challenge to introduce new devices into your business. With years of information and documents stored on your old device, getting rid of it might seem impossible. But with the right help, your transition to new devices is easy. At RMS Tech, we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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Customer story: Qantas Airways

The team at Qantas recently updated their IT infrastructure. With the ability to collaborate, their leaders can decentralize decision making, greatly increasing productivity and bringing them the security they need. Being able to use Microsoft 365 helps their team care for customers in a way that's never been done before. Your team can have access to these same tools. But if you're worried about how to make that transition quickly, talk with us. At RMS Tech, we have years of experience helping customers just like you to adopt modern desktop services. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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Customer story: Qantas Airways

The team at Qantas recently updated their IT infrastructure. With the ability to collaborate, their leaders can decentralize decision making, greatly increasing productivity and bringing them the security they need. Being able to use Microsoft 365 helps their team care for customers in a way that's never been done before. Your team can have access to these same tools. But if you're worried about how to make that transition quickly, talk with us. At RMS Tech, we have years of experience helping customers just like you to adopt modern desktop services. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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Customer story: Qantas Airways

The team at Qantas recently updated their IT infrastructure. With the ability to collaborate, their leaders can decentralize decision making, greatly increasing productivity and bringing them the security they need. Being able to use Microsoft 365 helps their team care for customers in a way that's never been done before. Your team can have access to these same tools. But if you're worried about how to make that transition quickly, talk with us. At RMS Tech, we have years of experience helping customers just like you to adopt modern desktop services. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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Why SMEs Should Embrace The Flexi-Time Movement

Work-life balance can be an underrated yet important part of managing a diverse and high-performing team. So why do so many businesses lack the tools their employees need for increased flexibility? Sometimes, adopting the technology that's required can be difficult. It's helpful to have a guide who can help you sort through the solutions that are out there, so you can adopt a familiar suite of tools that will help your employees achieve more. At RMS Tech, we help businesses just like yours plan and implement modern solutions without sacrificing time and security. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help.

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Customer story: Rolls Royce

A single disruption to a plane and its inevitable effect to an entire airline can cost up to one million dollars a day. That's why at Rolls Royce, they use IoT tech from Azure to help identify problems before they're issues. With early notice, airlines can reduce inventory costs and maximize availability of parts. Saving airlines millions. While the savings are great, it's not always easy to adopt a new IoT system. At RMS Tech, we have years of experience helping businesses like yours to plan and implement new solutions. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help.

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Tech Leaders Look To IoT, AI & Robotics To Fuel Growth Through 2021

IoT is one way in which tech holds the potential to digitally transform businesses, making them more customer-centered and efficient in the next few years. Tech leaders also see IoT technologies enabling the next indispensable consumer technology and driving the greatest benefit to life, society, and the environment. But how are you taking advantage of the new opportunities being developed every day? If you don't have a clear answer, it's time to get help. At RMS Tech, we're experts in helping businesses adopt IoT technologies so they can drive new insights from devices. Contact us today to find out more on how we can help.

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